Wait, we've been putting what on our skin?

Did you know that one of our most common skincare routine products is actually made out of crude oil?

Petroleum Jelly vs. Better Balm: Why Natural Alternatives Are the Healthier Choice

For generations, a staple in every household skincare routine has been petroleum jelly. For over 150 years, people have reached for that little jar of refined oil & gas for everything from dry skin to chapped lips, minor cuts, and even as a moisture barrier all over their face. While it has its uses, we believe that natural alternatives like our Better Balm, can achieve similar results with added health and environmental benefits.

The Origins Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is a byproduct of the oil refining process. Discovered in the 1800s, it became popular because of its ability to lock in moisture and protect the skin. However, being derived from crude oil, a non-renewable resource, it isn’t exactly the eco-friendliest product out there.

One of the primary concerns with petroleum-based products is that they don’t actually nourish the skin. Instead, they act as a sealant. While this can be helpful for preventing moisture loss, it doesn't allow the skin to breathe or absorb beneficial ingredients. In essence, it’s an artificial barrier that traps moisture but doesn’t add any healing nutrients to the skin.

Key Concerns with Petroleum Jelly:

  • Occlusive Properties: It blocks pores, which can sometimes lead to irritation or breakouts for sensitive skin, and can hold is impurities that you want to expel or good nutrients you want your skin to absorb.
  • Synthetic Origin: Derived from fossil fuels, it's not a renewable or sustainable product.
  • Lack of Nutrients: While it creates a moisture barrier, it doesn’t provide vitamins, antioxidants, or natural healing properties.

Why Natural Moisturizers Work

Better Basics Balm is made with natural, plant-based oils, vitamins and botanicals designed to nourish and heal the skin.

1. Nutrient-Rich Ingredients

Natural moisture balms often feature a blend of natural oils and butters like shea butter, coconut oil, candillia wax and beeswax. These ingredients are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that actively nourish the skin. They don’t just lock in moisture—they feed your skin what it needs to heal and regenerate.

Our Better Balm has Vitamin E and aloe which are vitamins used in dermatology to heal skin and have been known to work well on psoriasis, eczema and chapped dry skin. Our Balm also uses candelilla wax instead of beeswax which makes it vegan.

2. Non-Toxic and Gentle

Since Better Basics uses plant-based ingredients, there are no harmful chemicals or synthetic compounds. This makes it a safer option for individuals with sensitive skin, children, or those prone to allergic reactions. It’s free from parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances, which are common irritants in conventional skincare products.

3. Environmentally Friendly

Petroleum jelly relies on fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource, while plant-based ingredients can be grown sustainably. Our Better Balm is also packaged in a compostable paper jar, which is biodegradable when you're finished with it.

4. Better for Skin Health

While petroleum jelly may form a protective barrier, Better Balm helps the skin breathe and absorb nutrients. The oils used in natural balms penetrate the skin and improve its condition from the inside out. This allows your skin to heal naturally without becoming dependent on artificial moisture barriers.

Natural Over Synthetic

It's time we got serious about what goes onto—and into—our skin. While there was a place for petroleum jelly, the benefits of natural balms far outweigh a synthetic, petrochemical product.